Non-Fiction Gaming staff have been alternating between some of the latest games to some favourites from the past. From Hitman: Absolution to Pocky & Rocky, the important thing is that gaming is being had.
I have delved back into Dragon Age: Origins and have been so completely blown away by the story telling that I can’t figure out how I didn’t get all that into it the first time. My Elf Mage is a joy to play. I get so excited deciding what spells to put talent points in and being able to switch to play any of my companions ensures combat is never dull. Not to mention the relationships that can be formed with fellow party members that put Gossip Girl to shame.
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I have also continued to follow the GSL (Global Starcraft League) Season 5 closely. I’m looking forward to heading down to Melbourne’s Barcraft at the Exchange hotel to check out the grand final on a big screen with plenty of Starcraft themed cocktails!
KRS 2:
Finally got my Wii U! Woo! Or at least I will by the time you read this. Woo! As for what I’ve been playing, well here comes a short list. So after over 10 years, I finally got a Super Nintendo game I’ve wanted since I was a young lad that we used to borrow from the local video store (remember those things?). The game is Pocky & Rocky and it’s one of the most fun co-op top down shooters games I’ve ever played. You play as either a young priestess or racoon, blasting your way through waves and waves of monsters from Japanese folklore, collecting power ups and health along the way. It gets really difficult quickly but it is incredibly fun all the way through! My girlfriend and I take a shot at beating it every day and fail spectacularly.

I also started XenoBlade Chronicles on the Wii, and it is an amazing JRPG. I almost got teary at the title screen because the music there is just so beautiful. Sure if you’re a graphics whore, it looks like something for PS2, but this is completely forgivable because the game is just so good. If you don’t get sucked in from the first 15 minutes of the game, you apparently aren’t into JRPGs, so stop trying to like them.
PS. I finished Alice: Madness Returns. I don’t know how little girls play with dolls, with their cold, dead eyes… I just know that they want my soul.
Steve B
This week I’ve been hitting men in Hitman: Absolution. I won’t go into too much detail as there’s a review in the pipe that should be out on Wednesday, but I’ll let you know that I’m enjoying the return of Agent 47 very much so.
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Besides that, I’ve been keeping busy with Natural Selection 2– my new game of choice when fighting the AI isn’t good enough and I need to test my wits against other real-life players. It’s a ball if you can find a good server with a solid, talkative community.
Senior Stiv
This week I’ve been sticking with Skyrim and Dishonored. After several, long and tedious hours, I finally got my blacksmithing up to 100. I no longer want to see another iron dagger again in my arsenal, after the sickening amount I made to level up my skill.
As for Dishonored I’ve been searching for all of the runes and bone charms. I’ll admit this second go around has been much more fun, going with the more destructive path. I may be creating tons of chaos and dooming Dunwall, but it feels nice to deal out swift brutal justice on the City Watch.
Have you been venturing back into gamings past before the holiday season to clear up your Pile of Shame? Let us know What you’ve been playing in the comments below.
[…] but which are the best games, the ones you must play? If you ask the Internet, (which we do most weeks) gamers are playing a huge range of video games from the latest big titles and indie games all the […]