Monday, February 17, 2025
HomeUpdatesAssassin’s Creed: Syndicate Search Engine has Porn from the 19th Century (NSFW)

Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate Search Engine has Porn from the 19th Century (NSFW)


Ubisoft has launched a new promotional ‘Search Engine’ website in the lead up to Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate’s release.

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate takes place during the Industrial Revolution in London. At this point in history, technology was cracking along faster than people were used to with newspapers and an industrial revolution. The new website is supposed to be a search engine – or at least a representation of what one would be like in the 19th century.

It seems like a bit of fun and isn’t really supposed to be taken too seriously, but if you’re like us and the first thing you type into the search bar is‘porn’ – (Bing also holds up rather well in the feeling of 19th century search engine and ability to search for porn) – you may be in for a treat.

All the hottest leg photos, including…. ankles.

Click to Enlarge

A little surprisingly, the Assassin’s Creed Syndicate search engine doesn’t come back with zero results or a conservative religious message, but instead comes up with a couple of results. Yes, genuine MILFY material from the 19th century. It’s not hardcore by any means, but it’s still not something you’ll want your boss to see when he/she walks past, so keep this one on the down-low.


[Click to Enlarge]

Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate hit PS4 and Xbox One this October 23rd. You can pre-order your copy from Amazon here.


The PC version will be releasing a month later, you can find out why here.

You can check out the Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate Search Engine here. Search for things like “medicine” and “revolution” and see some of the bizarre articles that pop up.

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Daniel Ryan
Daniel Ryan
Daniel 'Sheriff Dan' Ryan is a long time Dungeon Master who has worked in Esports, Marketing, and writes about Gaming when the sun goes down.


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