The Evil Within Just Received Three DLC in a New Season Pass.
The Evil Within was already one of the most hotly anticipated titles of the year and it just got even better. Bethesda gave us three more reasons to shift in our seats until we get our hands on the game. The season pass announced yesterday includes three DLC packs that expand the story and give a new perspective on The Evil Within’s scares.
The first of the content packs included in the season pass allows players to play as The Keeper – one of The Evil Within’s biggest brutes – in a “sadistic collection” of mission-based maps. Which sounds like an exciting twist on the typical elements of survival horror. It sounds somewhat reminiscent of Silent Hill: Downpour‘s last hurrah but much more expanded.

Following this, the latter two DLC packs put players in the shoes of Juli Kidman in a new perspective on the events surrounding The Evil Within. As the partner of Sebastian Castellanos, Kidman will reveal “unthinkable enemies and new areas.”
We previously reported that The Evil Within would be available in August but it appears Tango Gameworks has pushed the title back. It is expected The Evil Within will be available on Xbox One, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and PC on October 14th in North America and October 17th in Europe.
Players Looking For More Information Can Head On Over to the Official Site
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[…] Anson Mount, who lends his voice to our protagonist Sebastian, is known for his role on TV’s Hell on Wheels. The cast of The Evil Within rounds out with Dexter‘s Jennifer Carpenter in the role of Juli Kidman. Players will be able to play as Kidman in the previously-announced DLC. […]