Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeBorderlands 2 GuideBorderlands 2 Guides Return

Borderlands 2 Guides Return

Senior Stiv Returns With More Borderlands 2 Guides

borderlands 2 guides

I know, I know. It’s been awhile since there’s been a Borderlands 2 guide, but the hiatus has ended. The reason for this long break was my old Xbox 360 finally gave out on me. The poor thing could no longer take put out the energy and would overheat every time I turned it on. Thankfully, I’ve purchased a nice Xbox 360 S model from a friend and things are up and running again.

In the past you may have noticed I would do several side quests then tackle main quests from time to time. This time around I want to push through the remainder of the main story and I’ll wrap up the side quests after. I’m very happy to working on these posts again and I’m sure you’ll be enjoying them as well. Once, again I’m sorry for the delay, but it should smooth sailing from here. Now, lets return to Pandora and take care of Handsome Jack.



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