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Dragon Age 3: Inquisition Debut Trailer [E3 2013]

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Bioware have revealed during Electronic Arts E3 press conference the first trailer for Dragon Age 3: Inquisition.

The trailer shows scenes of the lands of Theadas being decimated by unknown forces that leave it in fiery ruins.

The trailer is narrated by the sorceress Morrigan whom made her debut in the first Dragon Age title, Dragon Age: Origins, and fought alongside (if chosen to) The Hero of Ferelden bring down the Arch Demon. Suggesting that she may also play a role in the upcoming title, hopefully a playable character, which if correct will be a major plus for those who have greatly missed her company.

Varric, the dwarf that accompanied Hawke during his campaign in Dragon Age 2, is seen inspecting the corpses of a brutal fight in which he wears a look of despair suggesting that the war he is in may have no hope of winning. It also suggests that he may draw his crossbow, Bianca once more as a playable character?

A rip is made in the sky and soon a dragon descends with darkspawn that look like Xenomorphs and the question is produced before the viewer will you stand or will you run, which is a pretty pointless question since the entire game will be to save the entire world, so technically the choice of running is ruled out.

Check out the Dragon Age 3 trailer!

[youtube_sc url=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rh8v3Et4tGE” title=”Dragon%20Age:%20Inquisition%20Official%20E3%202013%20Teaser%20Trailer” theme=”light” border=”1″ autohide=”1″ fs=”1″ loop=”1″ hd=”1″]

Like previous Dragon Age’s, Dragon Age 3: Inquisition will also be an open world game where the story line will be shaped according to the players in-game choices, which will also affect the way people view and react towards the gamer’s main character.

Dragon Age Inquisition is currently in development and is using the Frostbite 3 engine, which is also being used by Electronic Arts to develop Battlefield 4.

Dragon Age 3: Inquisition was originally set to be released this fall however due to set back it has now been confirmed to be release next fall in 2014 during Australia’s spring.

BioWare and EA have not announced any consoles that will host the upcoming RPG though it is most likely that it will be for the PlayStation 4. Xbox One and PC, though there has been rumor that it may appear on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, this stilled yet to be clarified.



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