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HomeBorderlands 2 GuideBorderlands 2 Guide: Main Quest-A Dam Fine Rescue Pt.3

Borderlands 2 Guide: Main Quest-A Dam Fine Rescue Pt.3



Roland may have been taken by Hyperion, but that doesn’t mean this is over. Run through the recently made hole in the back of Roland’s cell and follow the loader. You’ll come to a wide open, destroyed part of the Stronghold. Several Hyperion bots will also make an appearance as well as more bandits. Don’t try to fight everybody and remain focused on following Roland and his captor. You’ll come to a left turn and the loader flies above the ramparts out of your reach. Follow the left turn and you’ll find the entrance to the ramparts above.

You’ll come to the top of the dam stronghold (see what I did there… never mind). The dam is being blasted apart by Hyperion forces and the bandits are being slaughtered by the bots. And what’s worse is Roland is getting further from your reach. Time to get moving soldier.

rampart toll[]

Head down the flight of steps to the top of the dam. Make a pit stop at the vendors near by to re-supply yourself. When you reach the top of the dam several Hyperion bots and bandits will be fighting among each other. Let the bots kill the bandits, then clean up the rest of the bots. Once all of the bots have been cleared out head the junk archway with the impaled bandit decorating it. Take a right and witness an EXP loader blowing apart a bandit. Several more will take notice of you and charge forward to turn you into meat chunks. Use a powerful shotgun to take them out quickly with one shot. Keep pressing forward after they’re done with.

You’ll come out of the narrow passage to several GUN loaders and EXP loaders. Make your focus the EXP loaders since they’ll bum rush in their attempt to blow you up. After they’re taken care of, take cover behind the metal crates surrounding the area and deal with the GUNs. There are a few bandits, but the bots will more than likely kill them before they get to you. To reach the next area run through the narrow crate tunnel marked by another impaled bandit.


This will lead you to a small bridge. As you cross over the narrow bridge a GUN loader will be waiting for you above another crate tunnel on the bridge. Kill him and head through the next tunnel. You’ll come out to another bandit outpost being overrun by more bots. Let the bandits and bots fight it out then kill the remaining enemies in the area. The area won’t remain clear for long as more bots will come crashing down from the sky. Even worse, a badass loader comes crashing down with them. Retreat a little to get the GUN and EXP loaders to follow you. Destroying them first will allow you to focus all of your power on the badass loader.

Keep pressing forward through the endless assault of loaders. Keep an eye for surveyors as well. These flying minions are easy to kill, but they offer repair support for the loaders. Take them out to prevent them from helping the loaders repair.

You’ll eventually come to a bend in the dam. You’ll come to the final bandit outpost, being overrun bots. Keep fighting through them and move under the bridge spanning between the outpost  to the last of the bots. Head down the ramp and take a left towards the objective marker to find Roland and the constructor that took him.

war den


Boss: W4R D3N

This deadly constructor will put up one hell of a fight. The fight begins with him shielding himself. You’ll have to take out the shield to slow the W4R D3N down. Use some shock weapons or grenades to wreak havoc on its dense shields. The damned constructor will throwh loader after loader at you so expect an extremely tough fight, especially doing this solo. If you can break its shields and deal damage you can prevent W4R D3N from taking Roland anytime soon. Honestly, the only class that can do this solo is the gunzerker. The rest will have to witness Roland being taken away to a base in the Dust which I’ll detail in an alternate boss fight and guide.



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