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HomeMicrosoft XboxHere Are 'The Division' Closed Beta's Known Issues

Here Are ‘The Division’ Closed Beta’s Known Issues

Ahead of the start of The Division’s closed multiplayer beta later this week, Ubisoft has now outlined the beta’s known issues so that players can have an idea for what to expect.

The Division Beta
Getting ready for The Division Beta

Some of the issues noted include frame rate drops for PC players using VSync, world textures that render too slowly after you respawn, and poor audio quality and/or temporary interruptions for voice chat.

You can see all of The Division’s closed beta known issues below, broken down by platform, along with some temporary workarounds where possible. These workarounds aren’t always ideal–the “fix” for frame rate drops when using VSync is “don’t use Vsync,” for instance.

The Division’s closed beta starts January 28 on Xbox One and launches for PS4 and PC a day later. In all cases, pre-ordering the game is the only way to guarantee yourself a spot in the beta, which ends January 31, though players have discovered other ways to get in.

Ubisoft Massive, the developer of The Division, is currently working on permanent fixes for these issues. However, it’s unclear if any patches for the closed beta will be released during its three days.

The Division


Xbox One/PS4/PC:

Capture cards

Players using Windows 10 will experience corrupted video signal output when using an external video capture card/device. Models affected: Atomos Assassin, Elgato Gaming HD60, Atomos Shogun, and potentially more


World textures may render very slowly after a player respawns



  • Players using VSync will experience significant FPS drops.

[Workaround]: Don’t use VSync

Windowed/Borderless modes

  • FPS may drop below 20 when the game is played in windowed or borderless mode.

[Workaround]: Use fullscreen to maximize FPS

Nvidia Graphics

  • Players may experience graphical corruptions and visual artifacts when using Nvidia Graphics Cards.


  • In instances where the Dark Zone is overly crowded in a small area, players may experience performance issues such as delayed damage or animation glitches

Character selection

  • Players may experience graphical corruption around their character model in the character selection screen on resolutions higher than 1080p.


Xbox One/PS4/PC

Saving Private OBrian

  • The second wave of enemies does not always attack the player if he eliminated the first wave too fast.

[Workaround]: Exiting the mission area and re-entering it will reset the mission.

Xbox One/PS4

Premium subscription

  • Players may become stuck in Dark Zone checkpoints if their premium console subscription expires while the player is inside the checkpoint.

Vibration option

  • Controller vibration option switches ON each time the player respawns.


Unable to shoot

  • Players may be unable to shoot or switch weapons after exiting Chelsea Pier.

[Workaround]: Restarting the game should fix the issue


Xbox One/PS4/PC


  • The GPS in the World Map may send the player to dead ends or through areas outside the Beta map area



  • After installing the game in any other language than English, the game will still launch in English the first time

[Workaround]: Select your language in the language selection screen on first launch of the game

Bugs & Glitches

Xbox One/PS4/PC

Proximity Voice Chat

  • Players may experience problems when communicating with Proximity Voice Chat in the Dark Zone such as poor audio quality or temporary interruptions.

[Workaround]: Proximity chat is currently limited to 8 players at a time

Falling through map

  • Players will fall through the map when joining another user that is watching the Intro Cinematic

[Workaround]: The player will be teleported back to his checkpoint once exiting the playable map volume

Ubisoft Club

Xbox One/PS4/PC


  • Ubisoft Club Beta Action may not unlock when the user created a Uplay account in the same play session.

[Workaround]: Relogging should fix this issue

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Daniel Ryan
Daniel Ryanhttps://www.nonfictiongaming.com/author/nfgdan/
Daniel 'Sheriff Dan' Ryan is a long time Dungeon Master who has worked in Esports, Marketing, and writes about Gaming when the sun goes down.


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